Leeladasi’s deep devotion to the Maha Devi is self-effacing and when she holds space, what is left is pure, open presence. This becomes the crucible where you meet Shakti as an aspect of yours, to be seen, held close, and become one with, in the alchemy of sadhana (practice)
Her devotional presence activates and inspires the process of empowered surrender in her students, which opens them to their endless, expansive nature. Sarasvati lives with her; she births worlds with words to bring to view what is real and needs to be seen by each of us, individually and collectively. (More on her offerings here)
Her initiation into Yoga coincided with her coming-of-age. This had set into motion the unfolding of awareness, a life of dedicated study and practice. Over the last fifteen years she has received transmission and sat at the feet of teachers to whom she is grateful and endlessly devoted.
Leeladasi, the name given to her by Padamaji, a beloved teacher, alludes to her innocence, the preservation of a sense of oneness with all, by which she experiences everything as magic. Dasi is translated as servant. She uses her gifts to orient others to their innate perfection. It is this call to service, to hold space for others, so that they may come into their unconditioned wholeness, that gives her the courage to remain open and vulnerable and honest. Whichever mode of self-exploration or practice she shares, what she creates is a container for the radical affirmation of the total manifestation of the Self.
Thursday September 24th
10am London/Lisbon
(Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra)
Engaging the holy trinity of practices to contemplate and meditate on Kali, the Radiant Void, Devourer of all experience.
The practice brings us into the intimate immediacy of the radiance, bliss, and power inherent in Emptiness.
In this practice we meet Kali in our very own bodies. This is the deep dive of deep dives, into the black hole at the heart of all experience.